
Fly Buys

Fly Buy (night customer rewards)
Once again we are reminded that at the big end of town generosity starts and ends with executive salaries. The much heralded relaunch of the most moribund loyalty program in Australia has demonstrated that shopping with the Coles Group of Companies is not a very rewarding experience.


“Points convert to cash vouchers at the rate of 0.5¢ a point. In other words, you would need to spend $20,000 to earn a $100 voucher (without any bonus points). The Reserve Bank says a shopper using a credit card rewards program needs to spend an average $18,400 to earn a $100 voucher. “ – Sydney Morning Herald 3rd May, 2012


Now might be a good time to remind you all of the most generous customer loyalty program in Australia – the Sax Fetish / Lucrezia & De Sade – Preferred Pervert Program
Spend only $500 with us in any 12 month period and for the next twelve months you will enjoy
Blue Privilege status which entitles you to a 5% discount on further purchases
At only $1,000 of spending you are already up to
Silver Privilege status which is 10% off on purchases after your $1,000 spend
Once you reach $2,000 then you at the top of the heap. Black Privilege status is a hefty 15%off purchases.
But wait there’s more:- ( we have more of what you want than Demtel )
All members achieving Silver Status are rewarded with a fully transferable $50 gift voucher which can be redeemed in store or on line. Once you hit Black there is another totally free $100 voucher. Throughout the year there are 4 one day flash sales where all card holders are entitled to 20% off all products in the store regardless of status. Throughout the year there are give-aways, special deals, prizes and bonuses.
If we take the example of a theoretical Sax Fetish or L&D customer who rather modestly spends $5,000 in one year (let’s say $1,000 of which is on a Flash Sale day) then we can compare our generosity to theirs. His or her direct, immediate and real benefits total $825.00) No waiting 5 years to earn yourself a $20 slow cooker here. At Sax the rewards could save you enough to buy that cooker on your first shop with us.
So confident are we that this is the most generous Customer rewards program in Australia that we challenge anyone to find us any other Australian business in any industry who’s published program over that same $5,000 spend is more generous than ours. If you can prove it to us then we are going to reward you with a $1,000 free in store spend. Come on Coles, Virgin, Woolworth, Qantas. Step up. Reward your Customers as much as your executives. Put up or shut up. We are tired of your self-laudatory rhetoric.